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  Lv Class   Name / Title  Race 

[ Immortal ] Ivy vine (other)
[ Immortal ] Sammy Miami (other)
[ 102Archwizard ] Gary Hello, Gary. (cyclops)
[ 101Valkyrie ] Laia the Fenceress (werewolf)
[ 100Wizard ] Tassadar (Jblood ) Mana Battery (cyclops)
[ 100Druid ] Kaicha (Eremitage ) the prefreshor (minotaur-mantis dragon)
[ 100Paladin ] Crom (HouseOfAnasasi ) the Fenceress (werewolf)
[ 100Valkyrie ] Sanla (DFViper ) the Fenceress (werewolf)
[ 100Assassin ] Kilen (Opiep ) >>>>>>>---------(D0P86L97> (werewolf)
[ 100Prophet ] Kroll (Kruoill ) the Priest (troglodyte)
[ 90Dreadlord ] Tulip (Nephthys ) the Fencer (drow)
[ 87Paladin ] Waaman (Waa ) the Fenceress (werewolf)
[ 77Necromancer ] Blossom (Penny ) (171.77m) (elf)
[ 70Assassin ] Loke (Valhalla ) the Sharper (duergar)
[ 70Templar ] Snowhaven (Snowy ) the Priestess (elf)
[ 69Assassin ] Spencer (Shade ) the Sharper (werewolf)
[ 64Prophet ] Pif (Bhang ) the Priest (eldar)
[ 63Valkyrie ] Atropa (Silence ) the Fenceress (werewolf)
[ 60Prophet ] Jondaiv (Terkel73 ) the Priest (drow)
[ 60Barbarian ] Kelemvor (Tritoch ) the Fencer (werewolf)
[ 52Paladin ] Strom (Sarkesh ) the Fencer (human)
[ 23Dreadlord ] Djinn (Navajin ) raza navaghuul (human)
[ 20Assassin ] Liminal (Goliath ) shouts, 'Lisan Al'Gaib!' (troglodyte)
[ 3Monastic ] Monquarr (Harthol ) the Artist (troglodyte)

24 players, 9 of which are nobles.